Sticker card, in vinyl material, waterproof, already cut out and ideal for handmade pieces of EVA, Biscuit, paper, fabric. and felt.
Assorted colors come on the card the color blue, gray and brown (predominant brown color)
The M-card (1.1 x 1.5 cm) comes with 42 pairs of eyes, ideal for heads from 60 to 90 mm.
Other information:
The P card comes with 49 pairs of eyes, ideal for heads from 30 to 50mm
The P card (0.6 x 0.8 mm) comes with 49 pairs of eyes, ideal for heads from 30 to 50mm
The G-card (1.9 x 2.45 cm) comes with 12 pairs of eyes, ideal for heads above 90mm.
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